It's kind of a funny story review

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This one was definetly a let down and that breaks my heart; I really wanted to love this book, because mental illness should be something we talk about more, we have to be consious of how many people struggle with some type of mental illness and we really have to start undestranding them, and for me this book would be a good starter for the conversation but it really wasn't.
I first met this story when I watched the movie about 6 years ago when I was just diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and honestly it was my favorite, like I would recommend it to everybody and I felt really represented through Craig's thoughts but now that i've read the book some time after, it really didn't do it for me.
It was not a total waste of a read, I kinda enjoyed it, well some parts, for starters Ned Vizzini had depression and anxiety, and you really can feel those types of thoughts and feeling through Craig's POV, he described them so well that you could really feel empathy for him and his situation, and even I was remembered of how I sometimes feel struggling with this illness, but that is about how much I felt the same as Craig, because in other kind of situations I was just dissapointed.
A really good point I'd like to highlight would be how Ned describes the way society feels about mental health, specially depression, you can see how Craig's dad is just like "you'll get over it...just feel better" kind of attitude; also how society may be blind about how this is an illness, and sometimes it includes a chemical imbalance, this things were written amazingly.
Well, now that I've settled my views on the mental health part of the book let's talk about the other stuff, because you know Craig is a young boy an obviously there has to be other stuff; thorugh out the book Craig's sexual need was a shock to me, don't get me wrong I know teens tend to be sexual beings but oMG he talked soooo much about sex that it nearly lost me, and this takes me to my other point, when Craig is with Nia or Noelle he always describes them by their physicist, like he never sees something else in them or what??
Also there is a scene in which I was just uncomfortable reading it, bUT SPOILER SO PLS DON'T READ IF YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO KNOW **spoiler** so there's this one part when Noelle and Craig are flirting that Noelle asks him to compliment her and the only things Craig says are about her looks and it takes a loooong time for him to start "talking" about her personality *end of spoiler*
So yeah, that was a bit of a let down for me, I felt a bit of a misogynistic tint throughtout the novel. Also there is this line about how Craig feels when he "wastes" money and it goes "Every time I spend it, I feel as if I'm being raped" like what??? how tf are you going to compare buying something or spending cash with being raped, wtf dude? Also there are some lines that make Craig seem as homophobic as well.
And yeah, those are my thought of this book, I just enjoyed the mental illness parts and nothing else, also disclaimer: the experiences I say feel just like depression are about my POV and how I personally struggle with it, because many people could feel it different.
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