Turtles All the Way Down Review

Turtles All the Way Down

My rating: 4 of 5 stars (or more of a 3.5 shhh)

"But you give your thoughts too much power, Aza. Thoughts are only thoughts. They are not you. You do belong to yourself, even when your thoughts don't"

My hopes for this book weren't (at all) high and well, this really didn't amazed me that much but it was a good read; what really got to me was the anxiety rep.

So here we have Aza, who's our main character and is going through life with OCD and anxiety and suddenly she finds herself with her bestfriend trying to solve a mystery of a person dissapearing and she reconnects with a guy from her past, and really sums up the book.

Something I got to point out was the "mystery", I kind of enjoy John Green's books but I think he repeated himself here and went for the same thing as in "Paper Towns" and that did not set well with me, I'm just tired of that narrative; honestly the "mystery" here was just a thing throwed in this book for people to get interested and hyped for the book but for me that wasn't at all interesting and was resolved like hella quick.
If you sold me the book as if it was just the life of a girl with OCD and anxiety I would have bought it immeadatly but I get why they didn't do that, but well.

So now, the good part, John has OCD and anxiety and I think that shows in such an amazing way, for the OCD rep I can't talk, as I don't have it, but for the anxiety I just felt it 100% truthful, there where chapters where I had to put down the book because it was written in such a realistic way that I felt my anxiety rising sometimes, I've never felt such empathy for a character as I do with Holmesy and I really liked how John described this illness in such simple words for every reader to get even an slight idea of how living with anxiety is. This thing was what saved the book for me.

And yeah, Ii really recommend this book if you've liked John's previous works, and also if you want to kind of understand how anxiety feels for some people (even tho I encourage you to not only read this book but many more and talk with people who have/had it, etc.)

View all my reviews (but in spanish lol)


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