February TBR and readathons!

A lovely TBR馃挌

Hi guys! I'm bak again with another TBR and what better way to restart posting than in my favorite month; i love how February is so short and yet filled with so much love (btw on the 20th is my birthday馃帀) so let's got straight to my TBR.

(btw i know some books are in spanish but that is because i do read them in spanish lol)

For my "AtYin52" I would have to read four books this month and the ones I'm going for are: Talentos Ocultos by Margot Lee Shetterly, Lo que dej贸 tu adi贸s by Rodolfo Nar贸, The Hate U Give by  Angie Thomas and either The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold or The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.

If I manage to finish those books some books I would like to read this month are: The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon, since I always read a Nicola book in my birth month馃, thoughout the month I hope to pick up Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.


  • Break your TBR apart. From January 29th to February 4th.
Here you are encourage to pick books that are on your TBR also they have 5 challenges; i've previously published my TBR for this readathon so you can check it here: TBR

  • Read-a-thin readathon. Throughout February.
Read-a-thin is not a new readathon for me and I really love it! Is a month long readathon so you have plenty of time to complete as many challenges as you want, but I think the main point is to complete at least 8 challenges, as long as I know you can double up but you can't triple, so without further to do; all the books you'll read have to be ones you already own or that you bought before they announced their challenges here are the challenges and my TBR:
  1. Buddy read a book: There is a group book now and it is: Broken Beautiful Hearts
  2. Read a 2017(november)/2018(february) release: I don't own any new release so I can't do this challenge :(
  3. Read a book that represent your least favorite emoji: Talentos Ocultos (the rule emoji because honestly who uses it??? ugh)
  4. Read a new to you author: Lo que dej贸 tu adi贸s by Rodolfo Nar贸
  5. Read a cover that reminds you of spring: Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore
  6. Start or finish a series: To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
  7. Read an own-voices POC book or read a book where the author is POC: The Hate U Give by  Angie Thomas
  8. Read a book with no romance: I think that Diez Negritos by Agatha Christie has no romance (i'm not really sure)
  9. Read a book with red/pink or white cover: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
  10. Read a smutty read: The Mistake by Elle Kennedy
  11. Read a romance with a diverse relationship: here i'll double up! reading again Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
  12. Read four books or complete 8 challenges.
  • In Love-a-thon. From February 9th to the 15th.
I looooooooove Saint Valentine's Day, really, i'm not in a relationship or something like that but I just love love u know?馃槏 So this readathon is a perfect excuse to read some lovely, cute books, they have 10 challenges but the goal is to complete 7 or as many as you want, this is really up to you<3
  1. Read a book by your favorite romance author: To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han馃挆
  2. Read a book with your favorite romantic trope: i love me some fake relationships so The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West (which would be my first time reading something by her, i'm soooo excited)馃挆
  3. Read a book with a princess/prince: Cinder by Marissa Meyer馃挆
  4. Read an original fairytale and watch the adaptation: Rapunzel by the Grimm Brothers馃挆
  5. Read a book while eating some valentine's treats: any of this books with some chocolate strawberries馃挆
  6. Read a book in a location where you'd love to spend valentine's day at: dude I don't know if the place has to be real bUUUUT I'd love to spend a valentine's day at Hogwarts (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)馃挆
  7. Read a book with red or pink on the cover: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli馃挆
  8. Read an LGBTQ+ lovestory: here I'll use Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli again馃挆
  9. Read a classic love story: i may skip this one shhhhhhh
  10. Read one of the host favorite romance books: for this I'll use To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han again馃挆

Yep, so I know there are a lot of other readathons in February but this two where the ones I got most excited for and also my TBR for the #InLoveAThon is huuuuge so I just wanna focus on that

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Break your TBR apart links:

Read-a-thin links:

In love-a-thon links:


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