(late) January wrap-up! lolz

Hey! Hi! So by now I completly ruined my goal of posting once a week bUT well what can i do? during this little break i got an instagram account (if you would like to follow me here it is thank u <3) BUT what we are here for it's my January wrap-up; I started this year reading 10 books, 7 of them counted towards my "ATYin52" challenge and six for the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge. So here we go! My first read was "Murder in the Orient Express" by Agatha Christie. Here we are following Poirot who is a detective (if i'm remembering correctly) and meanwhile he's on the Orient Express (dah) someone gets murdered so he starts to investigate who could have done it. Wow, this was my first time reading something by Agatha Christie and I got to say I'm in love, I want to read every book by her now. Christie has a way with words where she immediatly grabs your attention and you want to know what really happened. It was a 5 out 5 stars read, simp...